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About CGFM Certification

March is CGFM Month Click Here to Download Document2025 Proclamation

The Mark of Excellence in Federal, State and Local Government. Since its inception in 1994, the CGFM has become the standard by which government financial management professionals are measured. Its education, experience and ethics requirements have served to elevate the most seasoned financial professionals.

More than 13,000 individuals have received the designation so far. Now it's your turn. Experience the benefits of certification first hand - the CGFM is the mark of excellence in your profession. We look forward to adding your name to our distinguished list of Certified Government Financial Managers.

Heritage and Needs
Over the past two decades, a number of factors have created a rapidly changing environment for today's government financial managers. Beginning with the New York City financial crisis in the 1970s and 1980s, state and local governments began overhauling their financial management systems. In 1990, the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) act called for reforms that brought the goal of accountability to the forefront.

The value of financial managers against this turbulent backdrop has shot upwards. Those who believe they are on the high end of the profession, or on the "fast track" toward getting there, need a credential that shows they are qualified and have the skills to lead. The Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) does this like no other credential.

The CGFM is the first certification broad enough to cover the whole field of government financial management - federal, state and local. It deals not with testing a person in a specific area, but with measuring a wide range of knowledge and skills that a professional needs to succeed in the federal government financial environment, or to meet the unique challenges faced by state and local government financial managers.

Expertise and Value
Perhaps the genius of the CGFM had its roots in the fundamental notion that it would be the customers, stakeholders and "users" who would determine the value of the certification.

The foundation of the CGFM is the requirement for Education, Experience and Examination. Building on this foundation is a Code of Ethics and required Continuing Professional Education (CPE).

This designation is already recognized as a professional standard. The U.S. General Accounting Office Report to the Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller) on the Department of Defense's financial management workforce shows the CGFM as the preferred credential in a government agency with tens of thousands of financial personnel worldwide and more than $1 trillion in assets.

The combination of two elements - what the experts say constitutes government financial management and what the people in the field say is expected of a government financial manager - creates the value and attraction to the CGFM.

Toward the Future
The challenge facing today's government financial managers is to keep up with the changing times. New innovations, new developments and new methods of implementation are creating a new environment in which government financial managers must function.

Increasing knowledge and skills is the key to staying abreast of the latest developments. AGA presents a dynamic program of events and courses every year containing solutions, innovations, and technological breakthroughs that you'll need to retain and enhance your CGFM.

The field of government financial management will be far different tomorrow from what it is today. Having a broad knowledge and a recognized professional designation will be the way to distinguish yourself from the crowd.

There's no time like the present for joining the thousands of other leaders in government financial management who already have discovered the unique value and benefit of the CGFM designation.

7 Reason Why You should Pursue CGFM Designation
Increases your overall skills and knowledge of government accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, management and control.
Demonstrates your proficiency and commitment to the government sector.
Enhances your credibility and the overall credibility of the organization you represent.
Demonstrates your commitment to high ethical and professional standards.
Improves your opportunities for career advancement.
Provides you personal satisfaction of achievement.
Distinguishes you from your peers.

If you have any questions about the CGFM Certification, contact our Vice President of Membership - Mark Mitchell though email or our contact us page.

Last Updated by: CColacino on 3/5/2025 11:17:50 AM

Study Tips

Study Advice from Former Chapter VP for Certification - Francine Marzinsky, CGFM, CIA, CGAP, CCSA, CBM

I have worked for the NYS Department of Taxation & Finance, Bureau of Internal Audit and Quality Control, for three years, as a Senior Internal Auditor. Prior to joining Tax, I conducted audits for NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Audit Services, for seven years.

As all of my government work experience is in auditing, I took the Government Financial Management and Control exam first (exam #3). I used the study guides from my IIA exams to help prepare for this examination. AGA will soon release a study book for this exam. Please visit the following website for further updates:

The next exam I took was Government Environment (exam #1). I purchased the on-line AGA course as a study guide for this examination. This online course included a videotaped presentation by three instructors and a sample test. The course sections could be played as many times as you cared to watch a section. The online course was convenient to fit into my schedule and informative. In addition, eight CPE credits were awarded for completing this online course.

Prefer to study from a book? AGA will soon release a study book for this exam. Please visit the following website for further updates:

The most challenging exam for me was Government Accounting, Financial Reporting and Budgeting (exam #2), as I never took a Government Accounting college class and had very little exposure to the specifics of these topics through work experience. I borrowed a friend’s college Government Accounting book and practiced for this exam by reviewing CPA Government Accounting questions. The AGA just released a study book for this exam -

Overall, I would say that the exams are “moderately difficult”, but my studies prepared me to succeed. The computerized tests can be taken year-round at Prometric and tests are scored immediately. (My computer at Prometric did “freeze up” during one exam, but lucky I did not lose any of my previously recorded answers.) AGA National staff was helpful in answering my questions throughout the examinations.

I pursued the CGFM designation to increase my government financial knowledge and hope it will add to “marketability” for future job opportunities. I would encourage others to pursue the CCFM designation, as well. More and more government entities are recognizing the CGFM and are encouraging their staff to pursue the designation. Our chapter is pursuing NYS Civil Service recognition for the CGFM. Check with your Human Resources Department to learn what incentives your organization may offer which encourage professional development.

Last Updated by: FGreaney on 3/12/2020 5:51:57 PM

Exam Information

The Exam Process | Exam One | Exam Two | Exam Three

The three comprehensive examinations that make up the core requirement of the CGFM program are:

Examination 1: Governmental Environment
Examination 2: Governmental Accounting, Financial Reporting and Budgeting
Examination 3: Governmental Financial Management and Control

Each of the three separate examinations is structured to require a candidate to demonstrate primarily a general familiarity, understanding and appreciation of the subject area. However, portions of each examination, particularly Examination 2, requires a more detailed knowledge of specific techniques, standards, procedures and practices unique to either the federal government or state and local governments.

The three CGFM Examinations are administered year round in a multiple-choice, computerized format on behalf of AGA by Pearson. This computer-based administration allows the CGFM Examinations to be offered securely in more 200 centers in the United States and Canada, reducing travel costs and allowing candidates to schedule exams at their convenience.

Taking the Exam
The AGA's CGFM web center has everything you need to prepare, and apply for the CGFM certification as well as maintain your existing credential.

CGFM Study Guide Loan Policy
One of our goals is to promote and retain CGFMs. In furtherance of this goal, we have purchased several study guides to help our members prepare for the CGFM examinations. The Vice President for Certification will loan these study guides to members desiring to take the examinations, pursuant to and in conformance with this policy. Click here to read more regarding the Study Guide Loan Policy and to request one of our books.

Last Updated by: FGreaney on 6/7/2022 3:40:30 AM

Our Chapter CGFMs

Abbott, Micael A. CGFM-Retired
Attmore, Robert H. CGFM-Retired
Baker, Suzette Barsoum
Barber, Jerry
Bartell, Adam
Becker, John
Bogucki, Karen A
Bronk, William A CGFM-Retired
Brown, Laura J
Calipari, Richard F
Cardinale, Lisa
Clements, John
Colangelo, Jayne A
Comer Jr, Stephen E
Conway, Matthew J. CGFM
Cox, James C CGFM-Retired
DeGroff, Steven M
Deiana, Kara
Dunn, Jonathan
Farrar, Michael E

Flinton, Jill M
Footer, Dawn CGFM
Galibov, Nerik
Gardner, David
Geary, Donald Douglas CGFM-Retired
Greenberg, Donna Sue
Hahn, Bonnie L
Hancox, David R
Hannmann, Richard A
Hansen Sr, Niels Christian CGFM-Retired
Harris, Raymond H CGFM-Retired
Hasso, David J
Healy, Christopher
Hendrickson, Catherine R
Hennessey, Laura
Hogan, Katherine, CGFM, CPA, CIA, CFE
Hurley, Ethan CGFM
Igietseme, Gabriel
Jackson, Brian D
Jackson, Terry
Jadlowski, Jerry J CGFM-Retired
Jolliffe, Laura CGFM-Retired
Juras, Kenneth CGFM
Lau, Kay

Lewis, Minchin G
Loveless, Richard E CGFM-Retired
Mabb, Jeff
MacDonald, Lori Ann
Mazula, Roger C CGFM-Retired
McGuiggin, John
Menzel, Terrill E CGFM-Retired
Mitchell, LeRoy W
Mitchell, Mark B
Moran, Maria
Morgan, Joy CGFM-Retired
Nolan, David
O'Reilly, William J
Orton, Patrick Malcolm
Pardo, Maura
Ray, Scott CGFM-Retired

Reilly, Brian O
Reynolds, Willard G
Robertson, David J
Savash II, John A
Schreffler, Gregory P CGFM-Retired
Sharma, Anu
Sheeran, Geary
Shellard, Frederick J CGFM-Retired
Spaulding, Debra M CGFM-Retired
Steckroth, Eryn CGFM
Taetzsch, Blixy K
Thompson, Jacqueline
Thornton, Susan A. CGFM
Tipton, Julie D
Tunney Sr, James R
Turner, Maxwell Robert CGFM
Valley, Nancy A
Warren, Thomas E
Zinzow, Linda C CGFM-Retired

Last Updated by: CColacino on 8/7/2024 11:33:52 AM

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